
User Registration Service Agreement

This service agreement was updated on July 29, 2024.

This User Registration Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") is entered into by the user (referred to as "you" or "user") and the operator of the platform "GoWoo" (hereinafter referred to as "this Platform"), GOW AI TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LIMITED (hereinafter referred to as "the Company," "we," "our").

This Agreement will legally bind you in your use of this Platform. The services provided by this Platform are strictly for consumers and are not intended for users under the age of 18. You promise and warrant that (1) you are 18 years of age or older, (2) you fully understand and agree to all the contents of this Agreement, and (3) if you are under the age of 18, your legal guardian has reviewed and agreed to these terms of use. Once you register, log in, or use any services related to this Platform in any way, it will be considered as your acceptance of this Agreement, indicating that you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. Therefore, please carefully read and understand all the terms in this Agreement. If you do not agree to any terms in this Agreement, please do not register, log in, or use the related services of this Platform. This Agreement comes into effect and is effective from the moment you complete the registration or login process.

1. Agreement Regarding the Content of this Agreement

You are aware of and agree that the content of this agreement consists of the terms of this agreement, the rules of use within this platform, announcements, notifications, and other components. You agree to be bound by the content of this agreement. Furthermore, you acknowledge and agree that we have the right to adjust, change, or terminate the content of this agreement in accordance with national laws and regulations, regulatory documents, national policies, and operational needs. If the content of this agreement is adjusted or changed, your continued use of the services related to this platform (including the retention of a registered account without actual service usage) signifies your acceptance of the relevant adjustments and changes to the content of this agreement.

To protect your legal rights and interests, you should closely monitor the adjustments and changes to the content of this agreement and exercise caution when undertaking subsequent actions. If you object to any changes or modifications, your only recourse is to discontinue using this service. You agree that we are not obligated to assume any responsibility for changes or modifications to these terms of use for you or any third party.

2. Rights to Use this Service Usage Rights

Provided that you fully and continuously comply with these Terms of Use, we grant you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable license for your personal, non-commercial use, solely on a single device, to access and display:

(1) Services that are available for free on the website or, under our authorization, for free from third-party websites or other sources, such as mobile applications.

(2) Services for which you have paid fees and met certain conditions, or other parts of paid services.

Subscription: You may be required to pay fees to access certain parts of the services offered through a subscription. You are responsible for all such payments and related payment obligations under this Agreement. All your payments shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement and the relevant payment service. We do not assume any responsibility or consequences for transactions or payments processed by third parties. You acknowledge and agree that the prices and content of subscription services we provide may change at any time.

We may offer automatic, non-one-time payment services based on subscription service fees to you. If we do so, it is based on your agreement (in accordance with applicable laws and regulations): (1) purchases or payments are generally made in advance by you; (2) you authorize us to store information about your chosen payment method (e.g., credit card information) in our system and make payments for your chosen payment method; (3) if for any reason a payment made through your chosen payment method is rejected, declined, or returned, we may not provide, or temporarily suspend our provision of, the relevant content until the payment is properly processed. You will be responsible for any fees, costs, charges, or other amounts arising from rejections or returns (we may automatically charge you such fees).

Virtual Currency and Goods:The Service may include virtual currency, such as cash, coins, points or similar that may be earned or obtained through the Service or otherwise purchased by you for legal tender or actual currency, subject to applicable law (such virtual currency, "Virtual Currency"). The Service may also include virtual digital items, such as assets, commodities, abilities or other goods that may be earned or obtained through the Service or otherwise purchased by you for legal tender or actual currency, or for Virtual Currency, subject to applicable law (such virtual items, "Virtual Goods").

We reserve the absolute right, at any time and at its sole discretion, to manage, regulate, control, modify or eliminate Virtual Currency and/or Virtual Goods as it sees fit, and we shall have no liability to you or any third party for the exercise of such rights. You shall have a limited, personal, revocable, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to use solely within the Service's Virtual Goods and Virtual Currency that you have earned, purchased or otherwise obtained in a manner authorized by the company. You have no other right, tile or interest in or to any such Virtual Goods or Virtual Currency appearing or originating in the Service.

You hereby acknowledge and agree that the transfer of Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods is strictly prohibited except where expressly authorized in the Service. Outside the Service, you shall not sell, redeem or otherwise transfer Virtual Currency or Virtual Goods to the company, any other user of the Service or any other party.

You agree that all sales of Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods are final and, except as determined by the company in its sole and absolute discretion, non-refundable. You acknowledge and agree that upon termination of these Terms of Use, your Account or the Service for any reason, including upon the company’s discontinuation of the Service or applicable portion thereof for any reason, all Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods will be forfeited by you, and the company will have no liability to you in connection therewith.

If you believe that we have charged you in error, please contact us within 30 days in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in your location. We reserve the right not to address any disputed charges beyond 30 days. Payment processing services are provided by third-party services. All purchases are subject to taxes and other charges, including but not limited to foreign exchange fees or location-based price differences.

Transfer of Your Account: When using our application, you may transfer your account or certain services from one device to another with the explicit authorization and permission of the company. As long as you are the owner of both the old and new devices and the transferred account, you may allow the service to be transferred to a new device.

You agree not to do or attempt to do the following: (1) use this service for any purpose or objective not allowed by this Agreement, or (2) copy, adapt, modify, distribute, publish, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, or exploit any part of this service or any service, except as expressly permitted by these Terms of Use. Except for the licenses and rights expressly granted in this Agreement, no licenses or rights are granted to you implicitly or otherwise. In general, we reserve the right to modify the licenses and restrictions specified in this Agreement, including but not limited to charging for such licenses, in accordance with these terms and conditions.

3. User Accounts

Upon registering with us, you may need to provide information about yourself to use this service. You agree to: (1) provide true, accurate, current, and complete information about yourself as prompted by this service; (2) maintain and promptly update such data to keep it true, accurate, current, and complete. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, incomplete, or not current, you will be deemed to be in violation of this Agreement, and we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse to provide current or future services.

Each user of this service is allowed to apply for one account per electronic device. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, you may not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer or assign your account to another party. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account and agree not to provide your login information to any other party. If your account or password is known or used by a third party due to your fault, you shall bear the legal consequences resulting from it. You are solely responsible for all activities that occur under your password or account. You have the right to immediately inform us of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other security breach.

4. Service Materials, Ownership, Trademarks, Feedback Information Service Materials:

Except as otherwise expressly provided in your content and these Terms of Use, we and our licensors own and will retain all rights, ownership, and interests in this service and the service materials.

"Service Materials" refer to all information and materials that are part of the service, including but not limited to the following: photos, graphics, layouts, text, images, audio, video, designs, advertising copy, data, logos, domain names; trademarks, service marks, product names, and other source identifiers; any and all materials protected by copyright, including software; the "look and feel" of the service or portions thereof; the compilation, assembly, and arrangement of the materials of the service or portions thereof; and user content. You acknowledge and agree that you shall not obtain any ownership through the download of service materials or the purchase of any virtual currency or virtual goods.

You acknowledge and agree that service materials are protected in the United States and other jurisdictions and that their use, copying, and distribution may be subject to applicable intellectual property and other laws. All rights not expressly granted in these Terms of Use are reserved by us and our licensors, and we prohibit any granting of licenses through implication or otherwise. You agree not to hinder, permit, modify, publish, reproduce, copy, sell, transfer, transmit, or in any way exploit any content of the service or service materials beyond what we explicitly allow. Except as expressly permitted by us, you agree not to attempt the prohibited actions mentioned above.

Platform Logo: "GoWoo" or "GOW AI TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LIMITED," the logos of the company, and product and service names are trademarks and service marks that belong to this platform. You may not use or display these trademarks in any manner without the prior written permission of this platform unless otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement. All third-party trademarks and service marks appearing on this service are the property of their respective owners. It is prohibited to use any platform trademarks or service marks as "tags" on other websites.

You cannot use platform marks to denigrate the platform (company) and its services. You agree not to use any means that harm the reputation of this platform. The purpose of all goodwill actions arising from the use of platform marks shall be solely for the benefit of this platform.

Feedback: Refers to the comments, suggestions, feedback, or services you provide to this platform. You agree that such actions shall be the exclusive property of this platform. You agree that this platform may use, sell, disclose, and otherwise utilize feedback in any manner and for any purpose without limitation and without compensation to you unless prohibited by law.

5. User Content

This service may invite or enable you and other users to create, submit, post, display, transmit, perform, publish, or distribute communications, content, and materials (including but not limited to text, words, photos, graphics, images, comments, personal identification information, etc.), including through the provision of services by this platform and other users, via email, or through online forums, message boards, messaging services, blogs, or other features or sections of the service (collectively referred to as "User Content"). This platform may, but is not obligated to, accept, display, review, maintain, or otherwise utilize any user's content.

You understand and agree that all available User Content related to this service is the sole responsibility of the source of that User Content. We reserve the right, but have no obligation, to prescreen, review, check, evaluate, or otherwise monitor the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, effectiveness, legality, appropriateness, quality, completeness, usefulness, or any other quality of any User Content. We do not specifically guarantee or warrant any information about User Content. You understand that you use this service at your own risk, and by using this service, you may come into contact with User Content that is offensive, indecent, objectionable, or does not meet your needs. You agree that you must assess and assume all risks associated with the use of any User Content related to this service.

Despite the above provisions, this platform still has the right, without notifying any reason, to reserve the right to prescreen, review, monitor, reject, delete, review, edit, modify, delete, disable access, or otherwise provide any User Content (including but not limited to your content) in its sole discretion, including but not limited to violations of these Terms of Use or without any reason or at any time. You can report User Content that you believe violates these Terms of Use or other inappropriate user behavior by clicking the "Report" button next to the comment box or by contacting us at [email protected].

6. Your Content

User content provided by you related to this service is referred to as "Your Content" herein. You agree that Your Content is not confidential. Furthermore, you agree that upon termination of your account, we may delete Your Content, and it will not be returned to you in a merged format.

You represent and warrant that Your Content is entirely original, and you own all rights to Your Content, including the grant of all rights and licenses. You promise that Your Content will not infringe upon any third-party obligations or responsibilities within the scope permitted by this platform.

Hereby, you grant this platform an irrevocable, permanent, transferable, non-exclusive, free license (with sublicensing rights) to use, copy, adapt, modify, distribute, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, stream, broadcast, and otherwise utilize Your Content. You also grant this platform sublicensing rights and authorize others to exercise any rights granted to this platform under these Terms of Use. In the event of the termination and deletion of your account, you further grant this platform an unconditional and irrevocable free right to use and exploit your account name, personal image, and portrait (as described in the Privacy Policy) contained in any user content and related to any user content. Please review our Privacy Policy to ensure that you understand how we will handle your personal data. To the extent permitted by law, you waive and/or agree not to assert any ownership rights and/or any so-called moral rights you may have in Your Content, regardless of whether Your Content is modified or altered in a manner you do not agree with.

This platform is not obligated to monitor or enforce your intellectual property or Your Content.

7. User Rules

When using the internet, you must comply with relevant national laws, regulations, and other normative documents. You are responsible for any liability arising from illegal use of the internet.

When registering, logging in, and using the services of this platform, you must bind your phone number or undergo authentication with Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. You should ensure that the provided phone number or social media accounts belong to you personally. If you illegally or improperly use someone else's phone number or social media accounts, you will be solely responsible. If the company incurs liability due to your illegal or improper use of someone else's phone number or social media accounts, you must compensate the company.

You can upload personal information such as profile pictures and nicknames. The platform has the right but not the obligation to review user-uploaded personal information. Other users also have the right to report personal information. If the platform discovers that user personal information involves illegal or improper activities, the platform has the right to delete the related information, freeze the registered account, and prohibit login or take other actions. The platform only provides technical services required for displaying and exchanging user personal information. Users are responsible for any liability arising from illegal or improper use of personal information. If the company incurs liability due to a user's illegal or improper use, the user must compensate the company.

When users communicate via voice or text chat on this platform, they must adhere to the platform's usage rules and also comply with laws, regulations, and public morals. Users must not publish content that is illegal, infringes upon the legal rights of the country, organizations, or individuals, or violates any other rules. Any user who finds content that may involve infringement, illegal activity, or violations may promptly report it to the platform, which also has the right to conduct routine reviews of user message content. If content is found to be suspected of infringement, illegal activity, or violations, the platform has the right to add the relevant user to a blacklist, freeze their registered account, prohibit login, or cancel their account. The platform only provides technical services required for chatting, and users are responsible for any liability arising from illegal or improper activities. If the company incurs liability due to a user's illegal or improper activities, the user must compensate the company.

Actions such as user visits and blocking must comply with the platform's operating rules. The platform may update user interaction operations based on operational needs from time to time, and the latest information published by the platform shall prevail.

We have the right to replace, modify, or upgrade versions of this platform and charge fees based on business needs. If fees are charged, they will be clearly indicated when you download, update, or use the new version.

We recommend that users download and install this platform's products through our designated website or in the manner specified. Users should be cautious about downloading this platform from non-designated websites to prevent mobile devices from being infected with malicious programs that can destroy user data and obtain user privacy information. Users are responsible for any losses incurred due to downloading and installing this platform's products from non-designated websites, and we are not responsible for this.

You understand and agree that, except for faults caused by this platform, you personally bear the risks arising from the use of this platform and its services. If you discover any illegal or improper behavior while using this platform and its services, please report it to us promptly.

Users are prohibited from intentionally creating or disseminating destructive programs such as computer viruses while using this platform and its services. Users must not create disturbances or chaos against this platform, servers, or networks connected to this platform and its services, or violate the requirements, procedures, policies, or rules of the networks connected to this platform and its services. Otherwise, we have the right to hold the user legally responsible and submit relevant matters to the authorities for handling.

Users must not use this platform and its services to disseminate, reproduce, send, upload, or publish information that disrupts social order or is illegal, false, harassing, advertising or promotional, insulting, threatening, harmful, destructive, provocative, obscene, or pornographic, among other content.

If users violate national laws and regulations or the content of this agreement, we have the right to stop providing services to users without assuming any breach of contract liability. If the company or its third-party partners suffer any damage or are subject to arbitration, litigation, claims, penalties, etc., due to the actions of any third party, the user must compensate the company or its third-party partners for the corresponding losses.

Users are prohibited from using this platform and its services for, but not limited to, the following activities:

(1) Disseminating content that opposes the fundamental principles established by local laws and regulations. (2) Disseminating content that harms national security, leaks state secrets, subverts state power, or undermines national unity. (3) Disseminating content that harms national reputation and interests. (4) Disseminating content that incites ethnic hatred, discrimination, or damages ethnic unity. (5) Disseminating content that undermines national religious policies, promotes cults and feudal superstitions. (6) Spreading rumors, disturbing social order, or undermining social stability. (7) Spreading pornographic, obscene, gambling, violent, murderous, terroristic, or incitement-to-commit-crime content. (8) Insulting or defaming others, infringing upon others' legitimate rights and interests. (9) Disseminating any other content prohibited by laws and regulations. (10) Uploading any viruses, Trojans, or worms that harm network health. (11) Creating, publishing, or disseminating software used to steal account and other people's exclusive information, property, and confidential information. (12) Using this platform and its services in any illegal manner, for any illegal purposes, or in a manner inconsistent with the terms of this agreement.

Users agree that, in order to provide better services, we will send advertisements and promotional information related to this platform and its services to users. These advertisements may appear in the form of system messages, pop-ups, phone calls, SMS messages, emails, etc. If users wish to unsubscribe from advertisements or promotional messages, they can contact the platform's customer service.

Users warrant that the funds paid under this agreement are obtained legally and do not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of any third party, and users have the right and capacity to dispose of these funds.

8. Intellectual Property Rights

Any intellectual property, including but not limited to text, images, graphics, audio and/or video materials, technology, trademarks, names, etc., used in providing the services on this platform is owned by us or licensed for use. Without the consent of the relevant rights holders, no one is allowed to infringe upon the intellectual property rights mentioned above through methods such as reproduction, copying, modification, compilation, or reverse engineering.

We reserve all rights not expressly granted to you in these terms of use.

9. Reporting Copyright or Other Intellectual Property Infringements and Procedures

We respect the intellectual property rights of others and take the protection of intellectual property very seriously. We expect users to do the same. We will not tolerate infringement activities on the platform, either directly or through the use of the services.

If you believe that any content or the way it is used or exploited through the services infringes upon your intellectual property rights that you own or control, please promptly send a "Claim of Infringement Notice" containing the following information to our copyright agent. Your claim of infringement notice may be shared with users who are alleged to have infringed upon your rights that you own or control, and by submitting this notice, you hereby consent to such disclosure. Your communication must primarily include the following:

A physical or electronic signature of the entity authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the allegedly infringed work.

Identification of the allegedly infringed work or material, or, if a single notice covers multiple works, a representative list of such works.

Identification of the subject claimed to be infringing or engaging in infringing activity, along with specific materials to be removed or access to be disabled, and reasonable information to allow us to locate the material.

Contact information sufficient to reach you, such as an address, phone number, and, if available, an email address at which you can be contacted.

You should consult your own legal counsel and/or seek legal advice to confirm your obligations in providing a valid infringement notice.

10. How We Use Your Personal Information

Your privacy is important to us. We will only use your personal information as outlined in our platform's privacy policy. Please review our privacy policy to ensure that you understand our practices.

11. Termination

These Terms of Use remain effective until terminated by either party.

Your Right to Terminate: You can terminate these Terms of Use at any time for any reason by (a) contacting this platform at [email protected] to notify us of your account termination, (b) deleting or otherwise destroying all materials related to the service, and (c) discontinuing your use of this service.

Our Right to Terminate: This platform may terminate these Terms of Use, your account, and your access to the service at any time and for any reason. This platform may, in its sole discretion, provide warnings or other notices before any such termination, such as in cases where you violate these Terms of Use. Unless you agree otherwise, you are not entitled to any such notice or warning regarding termination under this section.

Deactivation or Termination of Your Account: If your account has been inactive for one year or longer, this platform may, at its sole discretion, deactivate or terminate your account. Furthermore, you agree that upon deactivation or termination of your account, we may delete your content and information and will not return your content to you in any way. This platform will not be responsible for any damages or consequences related to your content or information. It is your responsibility to save any content. Several factors are considered to understand whether you are still accessing your account. These factors include your last access date.

Consequences of Violating the Terms: In addition, we may notify authorities or take any action we deem appropriate (including but not limited to suspending your account and access to the service) if we suspect or determine that you may have (1) failed to comply with any terms of this platform or any policies or rules, or (2) engaged in any behavior related to this service or during its use, or that may result in liability, harm, embarrassment, harassment, abuse, or destruction to you, this platform, any third party, or the service itself.

Consequences of Termination: Due to termination, you may lose your account and all associated information and data, including but not limited to your username, avatar, in-app characters and achievements, virtual currency, and virtual goods.

You acknowledge and agree that upon termination of this agreement for any reason, whether by you or us, you will not be entitled, and we will not be liable to you or any third party, for any refund, reimbursement, or other liability. If this platform terminates your account, you may not be able to continue participating in the service or any other platform services. We reserve the right to refuse to provide an account to any individual and to refuse to provide the service of this platform. You may not allow other individuals to use your account terminated by this platform.

12. Disputes with Others

You are solely responsible for your interactions with other users and any other parties contacted through the service. This platform hereby disclaims any and all liability for you or any third party.

You will fully cooperate with us in investigating any suspected illegal, fraudulent, or improper activity, including but not limited to allowing us access to any password-protected portions of your account. This platform reserves the right, but has no obligation, to monitor and manage the services between you and other users in disputes.

13. Disclaimer

Given the instability of internet services, there may be delays and errors in network data transmission. Users are aware of and agree to assume these risks. We are not responsible for transmission or display errors in information, data, images, documents, or other content related to this platform's services due to uncontrollable factors like the underlying network. However, we will take measures to minimize the impact on users to the best of our ability.

We are not liable for user losses resulting from force majeure events such as failures in basic network services, power outages, server issues, telecommunication system failures, internet network disruptions, computer failures, viruses, computer system issues, hacker attacks, government policies, government administrative orders, natural disasters, social unrest, and other similar events. However, we will make efforts to minimize losses and their impact on users.

Users understand that, to ensure the stability and security of the platform's network environment, we may need to regularly or irregularly conduct inspections or maintenance on the platforms providing network services (such as internet websites, mobile networks, etc.) or related equipment, as well as perform software upgrades. If such actions result in interruptions in network services within a reasonable time frame, we are not liable for any breach of contract. However, we should endeavor to provide prior notice whenever possible.

Users understand and agree that their personal information is uploaded or provided by themselves. Users should carefully consider the personal information they provide during chat interactions with other users. While this platform will make every effort to protect users' rights, users are responsible for any losses resulting from their own actions, such as voluntarily disclosing personal information. Users agree that this platform is not obligated to compensate for such losses.

14. Breach of Contract Liability

If a user violates any provision of this agreement, we have the right to terminate or partially suspend the user's right to use this platform and its services. If the user's breach causes losses to the company, the company has the right to demand compensation from the user. The scope of compensation includes, but is not limited to, direct losses and the corresponding litigation fees, arbitration fees, attorney fees, appraisal fees, notary fees, travel expenses, security expenses, and security guarantee fees that the company pays for responding to or enforcing its claims.

15. Notices and Delivery

Any notice related to this agreement shall be considered valid when delivered in writing. Written forms include but are not limited to: SMS, email, announcements, rules, notices, etc. The aforementioned notices shall be deemed delivered at the following times: when sent by email, on the day the email is successfully delivered to the recipient's system; when sent by SMS, on the day the SMS is successfully sent; when posted as platform announcements, notices, or rule publications, on the day of the announcement, notice, or rule publication.

If either party needs to change their contact information, they should promptly notify the other party through an effective method. Otherwise, any losses resulting from the failure to notify shall be borne by the party that neglected to provide notice.

16. Legal and Dispute Resolution

This agreement becomes effective upon your completion of the confirmation of registration or login operation. Please confirm that you have fully read and understood the above content before proceeding with the confirmation of registration or login operation.

The final interpretation right of this agreement belongs to GOW AI TECHNOLOGY Co. Ltd.